Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


A Call to Lead

17 Jul, 2021

In A Call to Lead, a Japanese woman challenges her beautiful and prosperous country to become a global leader in advocating for religious freedom inside and outside of Japan.

A Call to Lead by Machiko Sato (Japan) won the Presidential Global Challenge Film Award at the 2021 Religious Freedom Film Festival, and will be featured during the Women’s Empowerment Film Festival.

As we have done in tandem with the Olympics/Paralympics since the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, RFBF recognizes leaders throughout the world who are advancing interfaith understanding and peace.

Although the pandemic prevents international visitors from traveling to Japan, we have dared to overcome by having both in-person events in Tokyo for those resident in Japan and 3 days of virtual events for those around the globe.

Both events celebrate overcoming barriers to peace as well as overcoming barriers people with disabilities face. Join us!

Nominees to be announced on Wednesday!

Nominees come from across the globe and will be recognized for their work in multiple categories:

More exciting updates to come!