Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Religious Freedom: Pillar to Global Innovation, Economic Growth

2 Nov, 2020

Topic: Religious Freedom: Pillar to Global Innovation, Economic Growth
When: Thursday, Nov. 19, 10:00am
Who: A discussion with Brian Grim, President, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, moderated by John H. Dickson, President, World Trade & Development Group
Where: Zoom Meetings (registration required)
Host: U.S. India SME Council (SME Council)

About: The U.S. India SME Council is the premier business advocacy initiative that gives a New voice to the business interests of SM Es and Indian Americans. The U.S. India SME Council’s mission is to grow and empower the SM Es and Indian American business community through Access, Education, and opportunity. SME Council represents the interest of all SMEs and Indian Americans owned businesses in the United States and in India. Through its programs and services it provides SMEs and Indian American businesses with the resources and tools necessary for success and connect them to opportunities to grow their business.