Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Religion: The next frontier in workplace diversity and inclusion

8 May, 2020

  • Most employee groups are focused around gender, minorities – but faith groups are gaining steam

  • May 7, 2020 By Marcel Vander Wier*

“Faith-based employee groups are gaining steam in the United States, according to Brian Grim, founder and president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation in Annapolis, Maryland.

While companies such as American Express and American Airlines have been supporting these groups for 20 years, fresh support from Google, Facebook and Walmart have boosted the popularity of the workplace faith groups, he says.

‘There is — just in recent years — an acceleration of that trend among companies such as Walmart, who now have started their own interfaith employee group,’ says Grim. ‘Others like Salesforce started less than three years ago and it’s now their fastest-growing employee group.’

Largely driven by worker demand, employee faith-based groups have a positive effect on recruitment and retention, as it encourages staff to bring their whole selves to work, he says.”

Read full article.

* Talent Canada makes the business case for investing in HR to a new and critical audience – C-suite professionals and senior decision-makers at companies of all sizes across Canada. It is designed to catch the attention of professionals who don’t hold HR titles but understand the value of people.