Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


US to Launch Business Coalition to Protect Workers of All Faiths in the Workplace

23 Sep, 2019

Today, US President Donald Trump together with the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, the US Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce, Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Pompeo, and members of persecuted Muslim, Jewish and Christian minorities, announced the formation of a business coalition to protect the religious freedom rights of all faiths in the workplace. The President’s remarks included:

“This initiative will encourage the private sector to protect people of all faiths in the workplace.

The private sector has brilliant leadership. That’s why some of the people in this room are among the most successful men and women on earth. They know how things get done. They know how to take care of things. And they’re with us now for the first time to this extent. The first time ever.

We’re really honored to have you in the room. Great business leaders. Great people of strength.

Too often people in positions of power preach diversity while silencing, shunning or censoring the faithful. True tolerance means respecting the right of all people to express their deeply held religious beliefs.”

See full remarks.