Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Islamic Relief USA Awards $25,000 ‘Silver Anniversary’ Grant to Religious Freedom & Business Foundation

27 Feb, 2019

In celebration of its 25th anniversary, Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA), a nonprofit humanitarian and advocacy organization, has awarded a $25,000 “Silver Anniversary” grant to the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, an organization based in Annapolis, Md., that helps businesses foster interfaith understanding and peace.

The “Silver Anniversary Community Bridge-Building” program was announced as an initiative to bridge the differences that frequently divide communities – such as religion, race, or political opinion. The grant announcement generated 175 formal inquiries from organizations working in 36 states and the territory of Puerto Rico, demonstrating that people all across America are interested in finding common bonds and committing to a common mission for the sake of their communities.

“The tremendous response from grassroots, community-based and national organizations shows that people who on the surface have little in common can come together to make the world a better place – a place where there’s more unity, more sensitivity, and an endless amount of potential and promise,” said Anne Wilson, director of programs for IRUSA.

The Religious Freedom & Business Foundation will use the grant to educate Muslim and non-Muslim chief executive officers and business leaders about how religious freedom is good for business. The grant will also be used to engage the business community in joining forces with government and non-government organizations in promoting respect for religious freedom in society and in the work place.

At a February 13th public launch of a suite of corporate tools to promote workplace religious diversity and inclusion, CEOs and business leaders will speak in support of the initiative and sign the corporate pledge on religious diversity and inclusion. The launch event is at the Knight TV Studio at the Newseum on Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C. See link for details.

“It is an honor for the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation to receive the IRUSA 25th Anniversary Grant. It is our hope that the results of the grant project in which we will invite and equip businesses to advance religious freedom and inclusion will be as successful as is Islamic Relief USA,” said Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation. “Indeed, businesses can learn from IRUSA’s model of inclusivity, employing people from multiple faiths who share the compassionate ideals that motivate everything IRUSA does. The mission to love and serve our neighbors overcomes differences and builds strong, inclusive neighborhoods.”

Islamic Relief USA, based in Alexandria, Va., is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) humanitarian organization. Its mission is to provide relief and development in a dignified manner regardless of gender, race, or religion, and works to empower individuals in their communities and give them a voice in the world. Its programs benefit millions of people each year in more than 40 countries around the world, including in the United States. Islamic Relief USA meets all of the Standards for Charity Accountability of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, a national charity monitoring group affiliated with the Better Business Bureau system. Islamic Relief USA is on the U.S. government’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) charity list, and it is also a signatory to the code of conduct of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.