Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Seoul: Business for Peace at STS&P 2018

19 Nov, 2018

Businesses do much more than just create profits. Businesses are where people find employment and a means to support themselves and their families. Businesses are also engines of social change and development.

Businesses support civil society through foundations and enterprises that work on everything from alleviating poverty to promoting peace and development.

Enterprises are places where people from different cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds can come together for shared purpose and goals. This session will look at the multiple ways that businesses help create sustainable development and peaceful, flourishing societies.

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<Program & Composition>

Time and Venue : 2018. 11. 30th (Fri.) 10am~12pm @ Room 306, KINTEX

Moderator Doyoung Kim/ CSR Forum Korea President

Keynote Speech 1 Brian Grim/ RFBF President

Keynote Speech 2 Siwon Kim/ Editor in Chief, Chosun Media Better Future

Keynote Speech 3 Eundong Hwang/ SK Telecom AI Business Unit Head

Keynote Speech 4 Dongwon Seoh/ EBS General Manager

Panel Discussion Prof. Yonghee Yang/ Seoul Theological University, President of KANPOR Donghyung Lee/ Center Manager, Chosun Media Better Future Eundong Hwang/ SK Telecom AI Business Unit Head Dongwon Seo/ EBS General Manager Siwon Kim/ Editor in Chief, Chosun Media Better Future.