Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Approaching Religious Literacy in International Affairs

17 Oct, 2017


The Fletcher Initiative on Religion, Law & Diplomacy  is a student-run organization at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.


The Initiative’s 2017 conference titled, Approaching Religious Literacy in International Affairs, brings together high-level practitioners and academics in the fields of Security, Conflict Resolution, and International Business to discuss the importance of religious literacy in their respective areas of expertise.

Registration opens October 1, 2017. We look forward to seeing you in November!


Friday, November 3rd 2017 | ASEAN Auditorium 

9:30am – Registration & Coffee in Hall of Flags

10:30am – Welcome: James Stavridis, Dean of The Fletcher School & Former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO

10:45am – Introduction to Religious Literacy: Dr. Diane L. Moore, Director of the Religious Literacy Project at Harvard University

11:15am – Panel 1: Religious Literacy in Security Operations, a case study of the Balkans

  • Moderator: Dr. Monica Toft, Professor of International Politics & Director of the Center for Strategic Studies
  • Fletcher Academic: Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou, Professor of Religion, Geopolitics, and Security
  • Sonja Licht, President of the Foreign Policy Council at the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Colonel Robert E. Hamilton, Professor of National Security and Strategy at the U.S. Army War College

12:30pm – Lunch & Employer Fair

1:30pm – Panel 2: Religious Literacy in International Business, a case study of Global Business Operations

  • Moderator: Paul Lambert, Assistant Dean at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business
  • Fletcher Academic: Dr. Ibrahim Warde, Professor of International Finance
  • Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF)
  • Joyce S. Dubensky, CEO of Tanenbaum

2:45pm – Introduction: Gerard Sheehan, Executive Associate Dean of The Fletcher School

Keynote: Sean Callahan, CEO of Catholic Relief Services and Fletcher Class of 1988

3: 45pm – Coffee Break

4:00pm – Panel 3: Religious Literacy in Conflict Resolution, a case study of Yemen today

  • Moderator: Joyce S. Dubensky, CEO of Tanenbaum
  • Fletcher Academic: Dr. Eileen Babbitt, Professor of Practice of International Conflict Analysis and Resolution & Director of the Institute for Human Security
  • [Video Submission] Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Marwani, Founder of the Dar Al-Salaam Organisation in Yemen and Tanenbaum Peacekeeper in Action
  • Father Bryan Hehir, Catholic priest and the Parker Gilbert Montgomery Professor of the Practice of Religion and Public Life at Harvard Kennedy School
  • Darko Mocibob, Deputy Director of the Middle East and West Asia Division of the United Nations HQ

5:30 pm – Reception