Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Rome Initiative Highlights Easing Middle East Tensions Through Business

28 Nov, 2016

A new initiative launched in Rome, Stand Together, aims to develop and disseminate stories of hope, forgiveness, and reconciliation. This includes highlighting how to advance interfaith understanding, religious freedom and peace through business. allstandtogether

Two initiatives highlighted include:

An initiative to assist Iraqi refugee women: Baroness Emma Nicholson of the Amar Foundation has led the cause of helping displaced Iraqi women, regardless of faith or ethnicity, to cope with the horrendous atrocities of war, providing mental and physical health treatment and offering resources for recreation, education, and vocational training. A video illustratesBaroness Nicholson’s story and how her foundation helps Iraqi women of all faiths.

How to build an economy that goes beyond religious differences? Fouad Makhzoumi is the founder of the Makhzoumi Foundation, an initiative started in Lebanon aiming to foster sustainable economic development, contributing in this way to the development of Lebanese youth, regardless of creed. A video illustrates Fouad’s story and how his foundation helps Lebanese youth of all faiths.

The videos were produced by the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation, based in Washington D.C. Both Baroness Nicholson and Dr. Fouad Makhzoumi (picture below with RFBF President Brian Grim) are recipients of the 2016 Global Business & Interfaith Peace Award, which recognize business leaders – current or past CEOs – who have demonstrated leadership in championing interfaith understanding and peace. The Awards are a partnership initiative of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (RFBF), its Brazilian affiliate, the Associação pela Liberdade Religiosa e Negócios (ALRN), and the United Nations Global Compact Business for Peace (B4P) platform.
