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Religious freedom is good for business, Elder Christofferson says, so all have a stake in it

21 May, 2016

ChristoffersonSALT LAKE CITY — Everyone has a stake in protecting religious freedom because it contributes to better economic and business outcomes, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the LDS Church said Friday. (Reported by , Deseret News)

“Where religious freedom is respected and protected, society overall is more stable, safer and more prosperous,” said Elder Christofferson, citing research data during a speech at the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s annual convention in Salt Lake City.

He referred to a 2014 study of 173 countries by researchers at Georgetown and BYU who found religious freedom is one of only three factors significantly associated with global economic growth.

An analysis of that study by one of the researchers, Georgetown’s Brian Grim, found seven ways freedom of religion contributes to better economies and business outcomes. Elder Christofferson shared three of them.

First, he said, the presence of religious freedom is associated with lower levels of corruption, a key ingredient for sustainable economic growth. … continue reading