Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Business Symposium: Living Together In Inclusive Societies

29 Mar, 2016

Baku Business SymposiumEnabling business leaders to share innovative examples on how to take action and accelerate progress particularly in the areas of interfaith understanding, diversity and inclusion and the global refugee crisis.

Baku, Azerbaijan, 25 April 2016

The 7th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) will be convened in Baku, Azerbaijan on 25-27 April 2016. In addition to promoting dialogue, the Global Forum will highlight concrete action-oriented steps that enhance the three UN pillars of peace & security, human rights and development. Furthermore, this year’s theme – Living Together In Inclusive Societies: A Challenge and A Goal – will focus on diversity and social cohesion as means to combatting radicalization. More information about the Global Forum is available on the event website:

On behalf of the UN Global Compact, UN Alliance of Civilizations and the Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Economy, we are excited to invite you to a Business Symposium that will be organized on 25 April as part of the Global Forum. Please find below a short background note that outlines the objectives and format, but also provides more information on the registration process and logistics.

Baku-UNAOCThe Business Symposium will investigate the overall theme of the Global Forum with a focus on private sector contributions. The event will enable business leaders to share innovative examples on how to take action and accelerate progress particularly in the areas of interfaith understanding, diversity and inclusion and the global refugee crisis. Acknowledging your expertise and experience in the area, we look forward to welcoming you at the event.  

Background Note: Business Symposium 25 April, 2016

  • “Living Together In Inclusive Societies: The Role and Responsibility of the Private Sector“
  • jointly organized by
  • United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, United Nations Global Compact and the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan
  • 7th Global Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Baku, Azerbaijan, 25-27 April 2016

The UN Alliance of Civilizations will host its seventh Global Forum in Baku, Azerbaijan on 25-27 April with the overarching theme “Living Together in Inclusive Societies: A Challenge and a Goal”. More than 2000 prominent leaders from Governments, civil society, academics, youth, media, private sector and religious organizations will convene in presence of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Heads of State.

The Business Symposium – part of the official program of the UNAOC Global Forum – will bring together private sector representatives from around the world to discuss and demonstrate their commitment to building inclusive societies, promoting cultural diversity, enhancing intercultural understanding and preventing radicalization.


With a view of highlighting private sector contributions to inclusive societies, the Business Symposium will advance the following objectives:

–  Raise awareness and put forward the business case for private sector action;

–  Showcase best practices to demonstrate how the private sector can foster social cohesion;

–  Serve as a platform for business leaders to exchange innovative experiences and corporate initiatives to promote inclusive societies and combat radicalization, thereby addressing issues such as the refugee crisis;

–  Generate corporate mobilization and contribution to interfaith understanding and peace;

–  Support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG16, which clearly states the need to “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development”, but also SDG8 on decent work and SDG10 on inequality; therefore elevating diversity and inclusion as a corporate sustainability issue of strategic business importance.


Registration is open to private sector representatives and their stakeholders, including Governments, civil society, media and other groups. As space is limited, priority is given to company representatives.

Participants are encouraged to work closely with UNAOC and UN Global Compact to promote intercultural dialogue and cooperation, to promote inclusive societies and cultural diversity. By joining the UN Global Compact and its Business for Peace initiative, participants can take action to advance peaceful, inclusive societies in conflict affected and high-risk regions. Furthermore, participants can engage with the UN Global Compact Poverty and Inequality initiative to incorporate diversity and inclusion principles in their corporate strategy.


Segment 1: Private sector representatives will discuss the business case for inclusive societies and how companies can take action.

Segment 2: Looking at inclusive societies, participants will explore how the private sector can accelerate progress in the area through a discussion on one of the following themes:

  1. 1)  Private sector engagement to address the refugee crisis
  2. 2)  Private sector contributions to interfaith understanding and peace
  3. 3)  Linking corporate diversity & inclusion programmes with corporate sustainability


Participants are kindly requested to register to the Business Symposium by emailing Mr. Jean-Christophe Bas,

For mandatory accreditation, participants are also requested to register to the broader UNAOC Global Forum through this link: interest/. Once registered, participants will receive an email confirmation that will also serve as the official invitation.

For further details on logistics, please refer to the Logistics Note.