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Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Reviews Johnson & Grim book

25 Jun, 2014
Anne Goujon, Research Group Leader, Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Global Human Capitol, Vienne Austria, writing in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion gave a positive review of Grim’s bookThe World’s Religions in Figures: An Introduction to International Religious Demography, co-authored with Todd Johnson.


Goujon writes the book is “a must read for one interested in the field of international religious demography.” The review states that in the 21st century “(w)within which religion is an omnipresent factor, international religious demography has become the key provider of scientific knowledge relevant for a debate ‘driven by anecdotes and conjectures’” and “the book is one of the first important bricks in the wall of studies about international religious demography.” The review notes that one of the merits of the book is that it takes a truly global perspective towards religious populations, instead of maintaining a European or North American approach. Additionally the statistical section “considers the entire population, including the unaffiliated, irrespective of whether they are agnostic, atheists, or simply do not identify with the religious institutions in place.”

The book is now available for purchase.