The UN Global Compact’s Business for Peace platform and the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation call for nominations of businesses that have advanced interfaith understanding and peace through their core business and/or outreach activities to be highlighted in new resource/publication.
Deadline for nominations is May 23, 2014.
Building on the common objectives of the Business for Peace platform and the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, these organizations are collaborating to develop a new resource/publication. This project will provide case studies that expand existing research showing that religious freedom leads to peace, stability, global competitiveness, and better business environments for majorities and minorities alike, including for women.
The resource will profile approximately 5 examples of how companies have taken action to advance inter-religious understanding and peace. Relevant examples will be drawn from multiple regions of the world and from a variety of business sectors.
- Eligibility: Any company with ten or more employees that has taken concrete steps to address a challenge involving interfaith understanding or peace, ideally, as part of their core business, or alternatively through community outreach (see examples).
- Recommended: Companies participating in the UN Global Compact’s Business for Peace platform and that also indicate willingness to be part of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation’s RFB Global Network will be considered first. (Also see main nominations page.)
- Deadline: Nominations must be received by May 23, 2014.
The case study project will also help set standards for the RF&B Foundation’s Biennial Religious Freedom & Business Global Awards. See NOMINATIONS for more information.