Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


Join RFBF President Grim for Council on Foreign Relations Conference Call – April 2

2 Apr, 2014


2 April 2014: Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, to speak at the Council on Foreign Relations conference call series.On behalf of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), I invite you to participate in the next session of the CFR Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Call series on Wednesday, April 2, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. (ET). Dr. Brian J. Grim, president of the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation (RFBF), will lead the conversation on a recent study by the Pew Research Center that indicates religious hostilities have reached a six-year peak.

Prior to joining RFBF, Brian J. Grim was a senior research fellow for religion and world affairs at the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. Dr. Grim has also worked for two decades as an educator, researcher, and development coordinator in the former Soviet Union, China, Central Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. He is an author of “The Price of Freedom Denied,” as well as numerous research articles and academic books on global religion.

As background for the discussion, you may wish to review the aforementioned study undertaken by the Pew Research Center, “Religious Hostilities Reach Six-Year High,” available at . Additionally, we encourage you to visit Dr. Grim’s blog “the Weekly Number,” available at 

If you would like to join the discussion, you may reply to this email or call Rick Chilton at 212.434.9678, and we will send you the toll free dial-in number and password. This invitation is transferable, but limited to religious leaders and scholars; we invite you to forward it to any colleagues who might be interested.

Best regards,

Irina A. Faskianos, Vice President, National Program & Outreach,

Council on Foreign Relations, 58 East 68th Street, New York, New York 10065      ______________________________________________________________

The CFR Religion and Foreign Policy Conference Call series seeks to engage religious and congregational leaders, scholars, and thinkers from across the country in cross-denominational conversations on global issues. Each call, led by a CFR expert and/or religious community leader, provides a nonpartisan forum for discussion on a broad range of pressing international issues. To access archived audio of calls in this series, along with a wealth of timely CFR content, visit: