Working for workplace religious belonging, inclusion & freedom


“Religious freedom is good for business” discussed at high level events worldwide

3 Mar, 2014
Religious freedom’s contributions to global competitiveness, economic success and better business were discussed at high level events around the world over the past month, including in Brazil and Austria as well as at the United Nations, interfaith forums, a U.S. Capitol roundtable and the Canadian Embassy.

774878Brazil Vice President Temer & Grim

In early February, planning began for a bold new global awards initiative to recognize businesses with successful initiatives to advance respect for religious freedom and diversity in their companies, societies and the world at large.

Those expressing enthusiastic support include Brazil’s Vice President Michel Temer, Senator Magno Malta, Labor Court President Flavio Cooper, and Brazil’s National Secretary for Human Rights, Biel Rocha.

Also expressing support were leading clergy, including Rio de Janeiro’s Archbishop Orani João Tempesta, as well as Olympic athletes, including the captain of Brazil’s national women (football) soccer team, Bruna Benitex, and national basketball all-star Lucas Cipolini (see photos).